Fanaticism towards the Scholars
Emotions contaminated with Desires
Part 1
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
They Only accept the praise or criticism from their Shaykh ,or from
The People their Shaykh has praised.
The only person criticized in their view is the one their scholar has criticized. If the criticism is general and rejected , due to a detailed praise from a number of scholars, you’ll find they won’t pay any attention to what those ulema have said. i.e the detailed praised.
They say: “ Our shaykh is more knowledgeable about the condition of such and such than those scholars. The detailed criticism takes precedence over the general praise.” This is what those people negligent or ignorant say! This is a correct principle. The detailed criticism takes precedence over the general praise.
Furthermore, if you investigate the situation you’d find that this criticism is based on false reports and hidden hatred or envy. This criticism isn’t supported on a knowledge based research.
Ibn Abdul Bar (May Allah have mercy on him) said: “ A group of scholars in Fiqh and Hadeeth, who have insight in understanding and research have said: “ We don’t accept (the Jarh) from Ibn Ma’een or other people about a person who is well known for knowledge, trustworthiness, and sound understanding. The criticism in this case is rejected until the reason he’s criticizing the Muslim, is in accordance with the actions that validate a trustworthy person to be criticized. Reason being, this person is marked as being reliable. Therefore it’s incorrect to think about him being otherwise.” [Tamheed Darul Farquq 7/171]
Shaykh Khalid ibn Muhammad Uthman said: “If this type of criticism isn’t accepted from someone like Ibn Ma’een, except with a valid reason, then what about someone less than him in our era?!”
The praise of that person from the senior scholars is based on their experience with him, their relationship with him, and their knowledge about his minhaj. Moreover their detailed praise concerning him is based on their awareness of his actions, which prove his honesty from lies and attest to his sound minhaj.
Nonetheless, despite all this you find those fanatics rejecting the praise from the major scholars for that individual. They hold only the words of their shaykh as being sufficient. They spread their scholar’s criticism (against the person) everywhere heedlessly and ignorantly. Consequently, they make their scholar the leader of their party. He has the right to say who gets membership and who doesn’t. He has the right to say who is on it and who’s off it without proof. And no doubt this is ghuloo.
Taken from : Fanaticism towards the Scholars Emotions contaminated with Desires by shaykh Khalid al-Misree printed by Dar Ilmi As-Salaf 2008 page 144-145
Translated by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle
Doha, Qatar 1432 Published 14/Rajab.
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