Some More First Time First
بسم الله الرحمن الحيم
- The first to be hospitable to guest was prophet Ibraheem (peace and blessings be upon him).
- The first to introduce the handshake were the people of Yemen.
- The first to pray with Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him)
- The first to establish the Adhaan at Eid was Mu’âweeyah (may Allah be pleased with him)
- The first to be given the name Abdul Malik was Abdul Malik ibn Marwan.
- The first to compile 40 hadeeth long before An-Nawawee (may Allah have mercy upon him) was Abdullah ibn Mubarak.
- The first to compile a book about the principles of Fiqh was Imam Ash-Shafa’ ê 204H. (May Allah have mercy upon him)
- The first to compile a book containing the history about men was Imam Layth ibn Sâ’d 175H.
- The first to write a book about forge speech attributed to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was Al-Hafith Al-Hussain ibn Ibraheem Al-Jozaqanee’s titled “ Fabrications”
- The first to establish a treasury was ‘Ûmar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him)
- The first to call the Quran Mushaf was Abu Bakr As-Siddeq (may Allah be pleased with him).
- The first preacher and orator inviting people to Islam and to follow Prophet Muhammad was Abu Bakr As-Siddeq (may Allah be pleased with him).
- The first thing that Allah created was the pen.
- The first to spread the Quran in Mecca was Abdullah ibn Mas’ûd (may Allah be pleased with him).
- The first to call the Adhan was Bilal ibn Rabah.
- The first thing Allah will call the people to account for is the prayer
- The first martyr in Islam was Summayah
- The first companion to be buried in Baqee’ was Uthman ibn Maathun
- The first to call to partisanship was Firuan
- The first one to display racism was Ibliss. “
- The first to distant houses from the Kaa’bah was Umar ibn Khattab(may Allah be pleased with him).
- The first to impose taxes was Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him)
- Al-Beediyah wa Neehiyah- Ibn Kathir
- Al-Awa’il – Ibn Abee Assim
- Al-Awa’il – Imam At-Tabarani
- Al-Qawarear – Ibn Jawzee
- Dirar Al-Hizbeeyah ala ummah Islam- Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajjoree
- Fa’tabiru Ulu Al-bab- Shaykh Abu Nasir Muhammad Al-Imam
Translated and compiled by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle-Adam
Doha, Qatar © 18-12-1429