
The Difference between the Quran and a Hadeeth Qudsee

In the name of Allah. The One who sent His final messenger with light to help the blind to see. The One who there is absolutely no deity worthy of worship but Him. Peace and blessing be upon His final messenger, his family, his companions and whoever follows their way. The following was taken from “ Idmanut Turruq lee Ma’rifatil Furuq” this book was written by Abu Ammar Yasir Al-Adenee.. He currently resides in Hadramout. He has published a book titled” Hedieya fee Tarteeb Faw’id Beedieyah wa Neehiya”. Taken from At-Taabaqat on page 65.


  1. The Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) through Jibreal. Allah says, “And truly, this (the Quran) is a revelation from the Lord of the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists), “ [Shar;ah 192] and

Say (O Muhammad SAW) Ruh-ul-Qudus (Jibrael ) has brought it (the Quran) down from your Lord with truth, that it may make firm and strengthen (the Faith of) those who believe and as a guidance and glad tidings to those who have submitted (to Allah as Muslims)[ Nahl 102]  and Allah says,

Say (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ): “Whoever is an enemy to Jibrael (Gabriel) (let him die in his fury), for indeed he has brought it (this Quran) down to your heart by Allahs Permission, confirming what came before it (i.e. the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)) and guidance and glad tidings for the believers[Baqarah 97]

Hadeeth Qudsee didn’t require Jibreal to reveal this revelation, but sometimes he did and some Hadeeth Qudsee were revealed by inspiration.

  1. The Quran is Mutawatir(a chain of transmission that can’t be denied that gives irrefutable knowledge and proof) in its conveyance; unlike Hadeeth Qudsee.
  2. The narrations of the Quran are free from error; unlike Hadeeth Qudsee. Some of the narrators erred. In fact some Hadeeth Qudsee are unauthentic-Daa’ef due to the narrators.
  3. The Quran is read in prayer. It isn’t permissible to recite Hadeeth Qudsee in prayer.
  4. There is a reward for reciting the Quran; unlike Hadeeth Qudsee. However if a person memorizes Hadeeth Qudsee and acts on it he’s rewarded.
  5. The Quran is divided into chapters, verses, parts, and sections. This wasn’t done with Hadeeth Qudsee.
  6. It’s not Haraam to touch Hadeeth Qudsee while in a state of sexual impurity; different from the Quran. The person should be in a state of purity.
  7. Denying the Quran is disbelief and denying Hadeeth Qudsee isn’t.
  8. The Quran is a miracle until the end of time.
  9. It’s permissible to narrate Hadeeth Qudsee by its meaning and it’s Haraam to do such with the Quran.
  10. The Quran is words and meanings are from Allah as the revelation. Hadeeth Qudsee’s Meanings are from Allah, and its wording is from Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). It’s correct to say its revelation in meaning and in wording. And for that reason, it’s permissible to narrate and say it by meaning.(end of Abu Yasir’s compilation)

Extra points of benefit about Hadeeth Qudsee :

Abu Sheehab ibn Hajr Al-Haytaamee (909-974 H)* mentioned in his commentary on An-Nawawee’s forty hadeeth that there are three kinds of speech connected to Allah.

  • The Quran
  • The other books of revelation
  • Hadeeth Qudsee. There are a little over 100. Some ulema has compiled books with just Hadeeth Qudsee. Hadeeth Qudsee is connected to Allah, by the way, it’s narrated. i.e the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him)narrated that His lord said…

And some Hadeeth Qudsee were revealed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)while he was asleep. End of quote from the book.

*Al-Haytaamee was the Mufti in Hijaz during his era. His name is Shehabud Deen Abu Fadl Ahmed ibn Muhammad Badrudeen ibn Muhammad Shamsudeen Ali Nurudeen ibn Hajr As-saadee’ Al-Haytaamee. Haytaamee is named after a village in the countryside of West Egypt. He was born there. He moved to Mecca and died there and he followed the Shafa’I Mathab. He has written numerous books such as; Fatawa Hadeetheeyah, Tufathul Muhtaj fee Sharh Minahj-Fee Shafa’I Fiqh and Sharh Arba-een An-Nawawee.

 Translated by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Lamont Battle

Doha, Qatar 11/5/1429 ©

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