
fatihah Principles of Minhaj from Al- Fatihah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.  

2. All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).  

  • Allah praises Himself and  has prohibited His creation to praise themselves. “So ascribe not purity to yourselves. [ An-Najm 32] . Allah ordered His creation to praise Him.
  • Allah has prohibited others to listen people praise them and rely on those praises. ““When you see those who praise people (to their faces), then throw dirt in their faces.” [1] We find the total opposite being done today on Twitter, Facebook and other webpage forums.The  scene today is people ludicrously  retweet others  praise for themselves or like them on their Facebook accounts.
  •   “Lord of the ‘Alamin … These words refute “The Big Bang Theory” This World is a proof of Allah’s existence through its regular sequence and order. Allah created everything in this World except the Quran.[2]

3. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

  • Included in this verse and the previous one are principles for knowing Allah and His attributes.[3]

4. The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) 

  • This verse contains one of the 6 pillars of faith. Belief in the Resurrection
  • Allah is the Only Judge on that Day
  • This verse serves as an encouragement to do good deeds and a warning against committing evil actions. The Muslim reads this verse and is certain Allah will hold him accountable for every single deed he did is this life. Hence the Muslim fears practicing evil actions so, avoids them.[4]
  • Those previous verses refer to Allah and His rights.[5]
  • This verse refutes ” YOLO “(You Only Live Once) , instead of this we say , you live everyday, but only die once then you’ll be resurrected.

5. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything).

  • This verse begins with the correct methodology of worship.[6]
  • Included in this verse is complete sincerity in worship of Allah similar to the Hadith. “ Actions are measured by intentions and everyone will receive what he intends.[ Bukhari 1]
  • This verse is a principle for all acts of worship
  • This means we establish Allah’s commands and laws by following the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa salam).
  • (We ask for help) The end of this verse means we must show sincerity, follow the Prophet and seek Allah’s help in our worship in order to make it complete.
  • The pronoun ( WE ) in this verse is a proof for the consensus of this nation. It doesn’t say, “ You (alone) I worship and You (alone) I ask for help. Each and every single Muslim must worship Allah alone and seek His assistance. The Muslim should seek Allah’s help in everything from going out to coming home, from eating and drinking and so forth. [7]

6. Guide us to the Straight Way 

  • This verse proves that only Allah can guide us . Therefore we must ask Him for His guidance.


  • This verse shows that person must be cautious from self-amazement.
  • This verse shows we should not always rely on Tazikyahs from others ;as we can go astray at any time.
  • The person should avoid saying things like, “ I guided so and so , because I know the truth.”


  • This verse refutes Secularism. The Straight Way includes each and every aspect of the Human being life.


  • This verse proves that the other paths of misguidance are crooked. The easiest way to Allah is the straight path. It’s a known fact that the easiest and quickest way to travel is on a straight path, unlike a road which has right and left turns.[8]

7. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians). 

  • This verse encourages us to reflect on the previous generations from our Salaf.


  • This verse motivates us to ponder over the people who received Allah’s punishment.


  • This verse categorizes people into 3 categories.
  1. People Allah blessed and guided to the truth with knowledge and by action.


  1. People Allah is angry with. They are guided to the truth with information, but it doesn’t cause them to do any actions. In actual fact, they place a greater importance on who they are more than on practicing deeds.


  1. People Allah hasn’t guided to truth through actions or in knowledge.
  • This verse draws attention to the sin of acquiring knowledge and turning away from practicing it.
  • This verse promotes the readings of the Seerah and History of the Salaf.
  • This verse shows the importance and duty to seek knowledge.
  • This verse affirms Anger as an attribute of Allah.
  • who went astray” This proves that people astray don’t deserve to be punished. In other words, if a person is ignorant of something he doesn’t deserve to be punished.  “Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error..”[ Al-Baqarah 286]. Nonetheless, if the person is negligent about learning then he is accountable based on his negligence and not his lack of knowledge. It is a must for the person to learn the verdicts which he require in his life.[9]
  • The entire meaning of the Quran is found in Fatihah[10]

Translated and compiled by

Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Lamont Battle

Doha, Qatar-The Blessed Arabian Gulf 1435©

[1]   Shaykh Ibn Al-Arabi  Ahkamul Quran  / Tafsir Attiyah] [ Sahih Muslim 3002]

[2]  Shaykh . Al-Uthaymeen , Ahkamul Quran vol 1 page 22/ 1st edition , Madarul Watan 1428H

[3] Imam As-Suyuti, Al-Itqan fee Ulumil Quran , pg 691, Darul Kitabul Arabi 1st edition 1427

[4]  Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen pg 27-29

[5] Shaykh  Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, Tafsir Ayat minul Quranil Kareem vol2/ from Majmu page 2, 1st edition Darul Qassim 1421

[6]  Imam As-Suyuti  pg 691

[7] Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen page 32-34

[8] Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen refer to page 38-48

[9] Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen refer to page 49-56

[10] Imam As-Suyuti page 691.

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