Human Anatomy by Prophet Muhammad
( صلى الله عليه و سلم )
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
عَنْ عَلِيٍّ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ ، أَنَّهُ سَمِعَهُ بِصِفِّينَ يَقُولُ : إِنَّ الْعَقْلَ فِي الْقَلْبِ ، وَالرَّحْمَةَ فِي الْكَبِدِ ، وَالرَّأْفَةَ فِي الطِّحَالِ ، وَالنَّفَسَ فِي الرِّئَةِ.
‘Ali said at Siffin, “The intellect is located in the heart. Mercy is located in the liver, Compassion is located in the spleen. The self (nafs) is located in the lungs.”[1]
Benefits of this subject
- Where is the intellect?
There is a difference of opinion among scholars about the exact place of the human being’s intellect. While the majority of the Jurists, in particular, those among the Shaf’I school hold it to be in the heart, and then there are those among the Hanafi School who say the intellect is in the brain, or in the head. The opinion about the man’s intelligence being found in the brain is based on philosophers, and the idea that it’s in the head comes from doctors. [2]
- What is the evidence that the human being’s intelligence is in the heart?
Although this issue causes some people confusion the matter is quite clear. A man’s intelligence is found in the heart. Allah said, “Have they not travelled through the land and have they heart wherewith to understand.” [3] and He said , “ It is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind.”[4] The place for one’s intelligence wasn’t mentioned in these two verses as being in the brain. Moreover, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: “Verily in each one of you is a morsel of flesh and when it’s sound the rest of the body is sound and when it is corrupt the rest of the body is corrupt. In fact, it’s none other than the heart.”[5]. How could one say , or argue his opinion when there is divine proof from the Quran and the Sunnah?! Every statement that contradicts these two must be rejected. The intellect is in the heart and mind is where thoughts are ideas are gathered. Once the mind gathers its thoughts and ideas it then sends them to the heart, which either accepts or rejects them. This isn’t far-fetched as Allah said, “ And also in yourselves. Will you not then see“[6]
- How are the heart and the mind connected?
Ibn Abbass (رضي الله عنه ) was asked how does he learn ?, He replied, “ A tongue that asks questions and with a heart that’s intellectual.” The origin of a person’s intelligence begins with his heart and concludes with his mind. Thus the intelligence is connected to the brain. However, a person’s views, beliefs, thoughts, and ideas start in the brain and the will to act on them begins in the heart. The meaning for intelligence applies to the actions, the knowledge and the choice, which are part of a person’s will and these all begin in the heart. A person can’t have the will to do something unless he has the idea. After the idea reaches the heart it conceptualizes it. Thus the idea to carry it out begins at the heart, while the idea itself begins in the brain. The thought begins and ends with the brain itself, so in this regard, some people say the intelligence is in the mind, as the heart sends the brain a signal to do the act.[7]
- How are the Liver, the Lungs, the Spleen and the Heart all connected?
“Mercy is located in the liver, Compassion is located in the spleen. The self (nafs) is located in the lungs.” The Spleen is located under the ribcage and above the stomach in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen.
Abu Hilal Al-Askari said the difference between mercy and compassion is compassionate is more affecting and far-reaching than mercy. For that reason, Allah describes Himself as being, “ The Most Compassionate of Mercy” [9/128]
The way all of these are connected is by the intellect being in the heart. The heart is a piece flesh that when it’s sound and upright so is the rest of the body and when its poison and corrupt, then so is the rest of the body. A sound intellect with proper thoughts and good manners places mercy and compassion in their proper places. On the other hand, a corrupt heart bearing bad thoughts and manners will not allow mercy and compassion to be placed where they should b and thus they will result in killing each other. i.e possible cancer growth.
What’s learned here is the heart is more superior to the Liver and Spleen, along with all of the body’s organs. Therefore mercy and compassion only stem from one whose heart is intelligent. The reason being, when the intellect is immoral then a person’s perception will be so likewise. Allah knows best.[8]
After looking at all of the possibilities surrounding this hadith’s meanings then it’s possible we could add that corrupt heart from sinning could have a negative effect on the rest of the body. This is similar to how the Prophet [ صلى الله عليه و سلم ]said : “When the believer commits sin, a black spot appears on his heart. If he repents and gives up that sin and seeks forgiveness, his heart will be polished. But if (the sin) increases, (the black spot) increases. That is the Ran that Allah mentions in His Book: “Nay! But on their hearts is the Ran (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn.” [83:14][9]
ibn Masud used to say, “The slave continues to lie and a black spot grows
in his heart until all his heart becomes black. Then he is written, in Allah’s
sight, among the liars.”[10]
And Allah knows best[11]
[1] Adabul Mufrad # 547 graded as Hasan by Imam Al-Albani
[2] Explanation of Sahih Muslim, Imam An-Nawawi , vol 11/pg 29
[3] 22/46 Quran
[4] ibid
[5] Bukhari [52] and Muslim [1599]
[6] Explanation of Riyadus Salaheen , Imam Al-Uthaymeen, vol 1/pg67
[7] Al-Majmou Fatawa, Ibn Taymiyyah vol 9/pg 303
[8][8] Explanation of Adabul Mufrad, Sh Hussain Al-‘Aawaysah, vol 2/pg 177-178
[9] Ibn Majah #4244, graded as being as being Hasan by Al-Albani
[10] Al-Muwatta, Book 56, Hadith 18
[11] Abu Aaliyah Abdullah