This is an excellent book which outline the principles of Fiqh. These basic principles aide a Muslim in remaining firm, along with a foundation for following Sunnah and staying away from bidah.I recommend this book for every Muslim household in the world. Throughout my reading of this book I highlighted some points of benefits for myself to reflect on.* It-tiba’ means following the Quran and Sunnah* Taqleed means to do or say something that has no proof in Islam

* It was incumbent for the people to follow their Prophets.

* Most Prophets didn’t have books.

* The Jews still continue to have hatred towards the Christians as both parties adhere to what’s been distorted in their religion.

* Before Allah sent Muhammad (sallahu alayhi wa salim) , people were misguided in acts of Aqeedah and acts of worship.

* Whoever follows Allah and His messenger is shown Mercy – refer to verse (( Al-Imran132 ))

*Following Allah and His Messenger results in unity ( Al-Anfal 46))

* Allah connects following Him and His Messenger to being a believer (( Al-Anfal 1))

* Actions which aren’t done in accordance to the Sunnah are invalid (( Muhammad 33). I (Abu Aaliyah ) add this verse is also found in Sura Muhammad, so pay attention.

* This nation must unite on Aqeedah

* Fiqh during the lifetime of the Prophet wasn’t compiled in a book
* When the scholars among the companions of the Prophet differed in an issue on Fiqh between each other, they didn’t make the each other adhere to his/ her view. Example -Sunnah Abu Dawud 338

* Differing isn’t a Mercy! This hadeeth is fabricated
* The companions of the Prophet weren’t fanatical about their views or the views of others.

* History has proven that the followers of the Hanbali school have correct Aqeedah.

* The Hanafi, Shafi’s and Malikis today have distortion in their Aqeedah. Some of them are Ashari or hold other beliefs. NOTE : The shaykh is talking about the followers of those Imams around today, not Imam Ash-Shafi, Malik and Abu Haneefah.

* Students in the Madhabs weren’t bigoted towards their teacher’s views.

* The 1st verse revealed stresses reading and this points to the greatest utensil for knowledge- The pen.

* Each and every single Muslim needs to know what is permissible and prohibited for him in Islam. This includes- food, drink, clothes, relations, blood, and wealth.

* If the companions agreed on an issue during their era, it is not permissible to disagree about that issue today.

* Fiqh al-Akbar is Aqeedah

* Imam Ash-Shafi said: ” Allah hasn’t allowed for anyone after the Prophet (sallahu alayhi wa salim) to say something is Halal or Haram except, with proof from what has preceded him. i.e Quran, sunnah or Ijma

* The Muslim must always search for the truth in all his affairs.

* its haraam to follow falsehood in worldly and religious affairs. (( Mu’munoon 3))

* We must love the scholars of Islam, ask Allah to show them mercy, make dua for them and benefit from their Fiqh. However it’s not a must for us to blindly follow them.

Printed by dar.alestkama 2010


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